Hunt Rules
Corbyn at 7 years young from Binger, Oklahoma was brutally attacked by a dog and has suffered extensive injuries. He has an extremely long road ahead of him with multiple surgeries needed to repair all the damage. If any of you feel inclined to help financially, pray or come hunt to help donate I know that his mother, Corbyn, and his big brother would be forever grateful and thankful. I will attach a Venmo account of theirs if anyone feels like donating to Corbyn as well. To all my prayer warriors, hunters and friends out there, please add him to your list. His little body can sure use them.
We are going to put a tournament on for him to help with expenses with a 60-40 payout. Winners have the option to donate if wanted. Winners get 60 percent of the pot and 40 goes to Corbyn and his family. Side pots pay out 100% to winners.
Hunting will start at 5pm on Feb. 16th and end at 10am Sunday the 18th.
Most total weight of 2 hogs!! 150$ a team and a 3 person limits on teams. Side pot for 25$ on biggest boar/25$ on biggest sow. No limit on dogs or vehicles but only one vehicle with dogs per team. Only teams entered in the side pots are eligible to win sides. All pigs have to be dog caught between 5pm Friday and 10am Sunday morning. No shot pigs. Have to be at the scales before 10am the 18th for weigh in. No later or you'll be disqualified to turn in any pigs.
Most total weight of 2 hogs!! 150$ a team and a 3 person limits on teams. Side pot for 25$ on biggest boar/25$ on biggest sow. No limit on dogs or vehicles but only one vehicle with dogs per team. Only teams entered in the side pots are eligible to win sides. All pigs have to be dog caught between 5pm Friday and 10am Sunday morning. No shot pigs. Have to be at the scales before 10am the 18th for weigh in. No later or you'll be disqualified to turn in any pigs.
Most total weight of 2 hogs!! 150$ a team and 3 man limits on teams. Must hunt together and from the same vehicle. Side pot for 25$ on biggest boar/25$ on biggest sow. Only teams entered in the side pots are are eligible to win side pots. Pigs can only be shot between 5pm friday and 10am Sunday morning. Be at the scales at 10am Sunday morning. No later or you'll be disqualified to turn in any pigs.
Most total weight of 2 hogs!! 150$ a team and 3 man limits on teams. Must hunt together and from the same vehicle. Side pot for 25$ on biggest boar/25$ on biggest sow. Only teams entered in the side pots are are eligible to win side pots. Pigs can only be shot between 5pm friday and 10am Sunday morning. Be at the scales at 10am Sunday morning. No later or you'll be disqualified to turn in any pigs.
Winner will be a 50/50 split for longest stringer on each. 150$ per team and a 3 man limit in each team. 25$ side pot for the biggest dog. No previously trapped or snarred yotes. They can only be shot between 5pm Friday and 10am Sunday. No later or you’ll be disqualified to turn in any critters. Teams from the pig side can also enter the Coyote and Crow side of the tournament.
Winner will be a 50/50 split for longest stringer on each. 150$ per team and a 3 man limit in each team. 25$ side pot for the biggest dog. No previously trapped or snarred yotes. They can only be shot between 5pm Friday and 10am Sunday. No later or you’ll be disqualified to turn in any critters. Teams from the pig side can also enter the Coyote and Crow side of the tournament.
All entry money to be turned in by 2pm Friday the day before the tournament or money can be turned in anytime before that time through cashapp or PayPal or turning in cash to me or the store.
- No teams can hunt together on either side of the tournament.
- Each team is allowed to add up to 2 more team members for 75 a member.
- No more than a 5 member team.
- Only the heaviest picked by the team will be weighed. We can’t weigh everything and find your heaviest.
- Thermals are allowed on either side.
- All animals must be wild free ranging animals prior to being caught or shot.
- No animals can be ran over, caught prior to the tournament and no penned or trapped hogs crows or coyotes allowed.
- No drones or helicopters allowed.
- No sharing pigs, coyotes or crow with other teams.
- All hunters must follow Oklahoma’s laws rules and regulations.
- Winners may be subject to a polygraph on site.
Weigh in will be February 18th (Sunday) at
The Roost Lake Store & Market
209 Crow Roost Rd
Ft Cobb, OK.
The Roost Lake Store & Market
209 Crow Roost Rd
Ft Cobb, OK.
Call or text for any questions. Chase- 405-933-1802.